
What Is 15 Of 15000

15000 is a large number, and finding 15% of it can be a tricky task. 15% of 15000 is 2250. To calculate 15% of 15000, you can use the following formula: 15000 x .15 = 2250. When it comes to percentages, it can be difficult to remember the formula. If you are having trouble, there are other methods you can use. One way is to divide 15000 by 100 and then multiply it by 15. This will also give you 2250. Another way is to think of it in terms of fractions. 15% can be written as 15/100. To convert this to a decimal, you can divide 15 by 100 and get 0.15. To calculate 15% of 15000, you can then multiply it by 0.15. Calculating 15% of 15000 is a useful skill to have. It can be used in many different contexts, such as figuring out how much sales tax you will owe on a purchase, or calculating a tip in a restaurant. With a little practice, you will be able to do this quickly and accurately.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. 15% dari 15000 adalah

15/100×15000= 15×150= 2250= 15/100 x 1.5000

2. 45 hm+15 m-15000 dm=......dam​


Pertama semua diubah ke dalam satuan dan dahulu

45 hm = 45 × 10 ( karena turun 1 tangga )

= 450 dam

15 m = 15 : 10 ( karena naik 1 tangga )

= 1,5 dam

1.500 dm = 1.500 : 20 ( karena naik 2 tangga )

= 75 dam

hasil akhir :

450 dam + 1,5 dam - 75 dam

= 451,5 dam - 75 dam

= 376,5 dam

Jadi jawabannya adalah 376,5 damJadikan jawaban yang terbaik yaa

3. 45 hm+15 m-15000 dm=......dam​


301,5 dam

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex]45hm + 15m - 15000dm \\ = (45 \times 10)dam + (15 \div 10)dam - (15000 \div 100)dam \\ = 450 \: dam + 1.5 \: dam - 150 \: dam \\ = 301.5 \: dam[/tex]

4. enam buah buku harganya rp.15000.jika eko membeli 15 buku,berapa uang yang hrus dibayarkan?

1 buku= 15.000 : 6
15 buku= 15 x 2.500
jadi harga 15 buku adalah Rp.37.500harga per buku = 15.000/6 = 2.500
jumlah buku = 15
jadi yang harus dibayar : 15 x 2.500 = Rp 47.500,00

5. dalam 15 detik keran air di bak mandi dapat mengeluarkan air sebanyak 15000 cm3 berapa debit keran air tersebut?


debit = volume / waktu

debit = 15000 / 15 = 1000 cm³/detik

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga membantu

[tex]{\colorbox{black} (\purple{\boxed{\pink{ \sf\:\small{jawaban : }}}}}[/tex]

[tex]debit = \frac{volume}{waktu} [/tex]

[tex]debit = \frac{15.000}{15} [/tex]

[tex]debit = 15.000 \div 15[/tex]

[tex]debit = 1.000 {m}^{3} /detik[/tex]

[tex]\small{\colorbox{black}{\purple{\boxed{\pink{ \sf\:✨ \small{ḀṆṠẇḕṙ \: ḃẏ}✨{ \small{\gray{\boxed{\orange{\: \tt \: - RATUGAZZ- \:}}}}}}}} }}[/tex]

6. Volume sebuah ember adalah 15 dm3. Jika dikonversikan dalam liter, maka volume ember tersebut adalah .... a.15 b. 150 c. 1500 d. 15000​

Volume sebuah ember adalah 15 dm3, jika dikonversikan dalam liter, maka volume ember tersebut adalah...

a. 15

b. 150

c. 1.500

d. 15.000

Penyelesaian :

1 dm³ = 1 liter

2 dm³ = 2 liter

3 dm³ = 3 liter

4 dm³ = 4 liter

5 dm³ = 5 liter

6 dm³ = 6 liter

7 dm³ = 7 liter

8 dm³ = 8 liter

9 dm³ = 9 liter

10 dm³ = 10 liter

11 dm³ = 11 liter

12 dm³ = 12 liter

13 dm³ = 13 liter

14 dm³ = 14 liter


[tex]\colorbox{black}{\orange{\boxed{\colorbox{black}{\red{\cal{AnswerBy\::\: rahmawatiyulia850}}}}}}[/tex]

7. bila persediaan barang dagang dicatat terlalu tinggi Rp 15.000 makaa. HPP lebih dilaporkan 15000b. laba kotor kurang dikalikan 15000c. laba bersih lebih dilaporkan 15000d. laba bersih kurang dilaporkan 15000e. HPP kurang dilaporkan 15000

laba bersih lebih dilaporkan 15000

8. 4400 + 15000 :300-12.5x2 =120.000x8+30,000:15-2500-​


Leng nduwur jawabannya adalah 4.200

leng ngisor jawabannya adalah 959.500

9. 4400+ 15000 :300- 12.5x 2 =120.000x2+30,000:15-2500-​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf kalo salah:v

semoga membantu:))

10. dalam 15 menit keran air dibak mandi dapat mengeluarkan air sebanyak 15000 cm3 debit kran air tersebut adalah

Bab Debit
Matematika SD Kelas VI

Debit = volume / waktu
Debit = 15.000 cm^3 / 15 menit
Debit = 1.000 cm^3 / menit
Debit = 1 liter / menit1 L = 1000 cm3

= 1000cm3/mnt
= 1 liter/mnt

11. 15 km = ..... bendungana. 1500b. 150c. 15000d. 15​


a 1500

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maap kalo salahhhh

12. Wah dapat Jenius jugaQuiz! (+50)16600 - 15000 =50 - 50 + 15 - 10 = 50 × 165 = ​

Jawab :

= 16600 - 15000

= 1.600

= 50 - 50 + 15 - 10

= 0 + 15 - 10

= 15 - 10

= 5

= 50 × 165

= 8.250






Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

no copas no Google





Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Bilangan bulat adalah bilangan yang terdrii dari bilangan positif , bilangan negatif dan angka nol ( 0 )

Penyelesaian :

15.000 + 15.000





14. 15000 cc = l 15000 cc = l ​

jawab = 15000cc = 15 liter

15. 15000 liter / detik = 15 m3 / detik Itu gmn yah caranya?

15000 liter itu dijadikan m³ per detik
caranya 15000 :3= 15 m³ per detik
3 iti dpt dari liter ke m naik satu 3 m³ = dm ³
maaf kalau salah
tolong jadikan yg terbaik15000 liter=liter samadengan dm³
jadi 15000(dm³ ke m³ naik 1 tangga)maka bagi 1000
jadi,15000:1000=15 m³/ detik

itu jawabanya

16. dalam 15 detik keran air dibak mandi dapat mengeluarkan air sebanyak 15000 cm kubik.debit keran tersebut adalah

15.000:15 = 1.000 cm³/detik ✔

Semoga Bermanfaat ^_^Debit
= 15.000cm³/15 detik
= 15 liter/15 detik
= 1 liter/detik

17. Mom going to the market to buy 3 kg of rice, 2 kg of sugar, and 1/2 kg of flour, while auntie wentto the market to buy 2 kg of rice, 3 kg of sugar, 1kg or flour. So, if the price of rice is 15000 perkg, sugar 20000 per kg, and flour is 6000 per kg, please compare the price of mom's and auntie'sgroceries!​

Jawaban dengan langkah-langkah:


[tex]Mom: 2kg \times Rp. 20.000 = Rp. 40.000[/tex]

[tex]Aunt: 3kg \times Rp. 20.000 = Rp. 60.000[/tex]


[tex]Mom: \frac{1}{2}kg \times Rp. 6000 = Rp. 3000[/tex]

[tex]Aunt: 1kg \times Rp. 6000 = Rp. 6000[/tex]


[tex]Mom: 3kg \times Rp. 15.000 = Rp. 45.000[/tex]

[tex]Aunt: 2kg \times Rp. 15.000 = Rp. 30.000[/tex]

Mom total:

[tex]Rp. 40.000 + Rp. 3000 + Rp. 45.000 = Rp. 88.000[/tex]

Aunt total:

[tex]Rp. 60.000 + Rp. 3000 + Rp. 30.000 = Rp. 90.000[/tex]

18. 15000 cm =....m15000 cm = .......m​

15.000 cm = 150 m

15.000 : 100

= 150

Jadi, 15000 cm = 150m


150 meter

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


1 m= 100 cm

jadi, 15.000 cm 150 m

[tex]{\green{\fcolorbox{blue}{black}{\boxed{\bold{\red{by }}}\boxed{\huge{}\blue{ piansyah}}}}}[/tex]

19. dalam 15 detik dengan air di bak mandi dapat menguapkan air sebanyak 15000 cm per kubik debit air tersebut adalah

15000:15=1000 Jawaban: 100015000 : 15 = 1000

Debit air tersebut adalah 1000

20. 20% dari 15000 adalah

20% × 15.000 = 20/100 × 15.000 = 3.000caranya adalah:
[tex] \frac{20}{100} \times 15000[/tex]
[tex] \frac{20}{1} \times 150[/tex]
[tex]20 \times 150 = 3.000[/tex]
maka 20%dari 150 adalah 3000


What Is 15 Of 15000. There are any What Is 15 Of 15000 in here.

Terroristic Threat Cause Fear Of Imminent Sbi

What is a Terroristic Threat?

A terroristic threat is a statement of an intention to inflict harm or cause fear of imminent serious bodily injury. It is a criminal offense in most jurisdictions, and the penalties for making such a threat can be severe.

Effects of Terroristic Threats

Terroristic threats can cause fear of imminent serious bodily injury to the person or persons being threatened. This fear can be paralyzing, and can lead to extreme anxiety and stress. The fear can also cause people to take drastic measures to protect themselves.
How to Respond to Terroristic Threats
If you or someone you know has been threatened with a terroristic threat, it is important to take it seriously and report it to the authorities. It is also important to remember that it is illegal to make such threats, and the consequences can be severe. It is important to stay calm and try to find a safe place until the threat can be properly addressed.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. in your opinion, is global warming an imminent world threat ? if yes, why ? if no, why not ?

I think the answer is yes,because would threaten the living being on earth.
Yes, of course. So many things happened because of global warming, for example: the ice in the poles (north/south) is gradually melting because of the heat, you know what's going to happen right? Many species' habitats such as polar bear/penguin/snow fox might be lost and islands might be drowned because the sea water level has increased. Not just that. I think we, human, might already feel the effects these days as well. It's pretty hot these days, right? And yes, the air must be polluted because of....this global warming and other reasons as well, like we really need oxygen, that's why.

2. in your opinion is global warming an imminent world threat? i yes why? if no, why not?

Yes, because global warming are not immediately have a negative impact as melting ice in polar regions because of the temperature warmer, the air is getting dirty, the ozone layer is thinning so that it makes the sun warms so most likely can cause skin diseases.I think global warming is a serious threat. because this has caused the global temperature increase over tha last 50 years.

3. in your opinion, is global warming an imminent world threat? if yes, why? if no,why not?


- The world has never warmed as fast as is happening now.
- Governments all over the world are slow to act.
- There is tremendous political pressure from vested interest groups (fossil fuel industries) to AVOID moving to renewable (and clean) energy.
- It is certainly too late to stop global warming. It's happening already. If we act immediately we may be able to prevent some of the more terrible consequences of global warming and climate change.


While it is a potential (as opposed to imminent) threat, and there is ample historical evidence to support much deeper study and better understanding. In the short term, any effort made to reduce pollution is the best possible move. Moving too fast, however, could result in overcompensation, and greater damage. Consider the natural disasters we have created in the attempt to improve.

We humans are curious, tool using, little apes. Too often we leap long before ever considering that we should have first looked. That is the course of behavior we need to change, and which has been the greatest imminent threat to our continued existence since we first started planting our own food and raising our own livestock.

4. The purpose of the text is to… a. tell the result of greenhouseb. discuss the cause of global warmingc. inform the danger of greenhouse effectd. describe the threat of greenhouse effecte. explain the process of greenhouse effect​


c.peringatan bahaya green house

5. Apa yang dimaksud dengan freedom of fear

kebebasan dari segala ketakutan

6. main paragraph of Yes, we are living in a world fear. The life of man today is corroded and made bitter by fear. Fear future, fear of hydrogen bomb, fear of ideologies. Perhaps this fear is a greater danger than the danger itself, beacuse it is fear, which drives men to act foolishy, to act thoughtlessly, to act dangerously.

we are living on a world feat
JADIKAN JAWABAN TERBAIK❣We are living in a world fear

kalimat selanjutnya menjelaskan tentang fear tersebut

7. why do people feel fear of corona virus​

because its a dangerous virus and make any person death in this world if dont stay safe health


karena virus Corona adalah virus yang menular melalui kontak tubuh dan bisa juga di tukarkan saat kita sedang ngobrol,bersin maaf salah :v

8. translate , Yes, we are living in a world of fear. The life of man today is corroded andmade bitter by fear. Fear of the future, fear of hydrogen bomb, fear of ideologPerhaps this fear is a greater danger than the danger itself, because it is readrives men to act foolishly, to act thoughtlessly, to act dangerously.bieter by fe is a greater danger tehtlessly, to act dangerouar which​

Betul, sekarang kita hidup di dunia akan ketakutan. Kehidupan seorang pria /laki-laki saat ini telah berkarat dan telah dibuat pahit oleh takut. Takut akan masa depan, takut akan gas hidrogen, takut akan ideologi. Mungkin, rasa takut ini merupakan bahaya yang amat hebat dibandingkan dengan 'bahaya' itu sendiri, oleh karnanya itu sangat membuat para pria untuk bertindak bodoh, diluar pikiran, dan secara bahaya.

maaf, sebelumnya soalnya kurang lengkap sepertinya. Pada kalimat "bieter by fe is a greater danger tehtlessly, to act dangerou  ar which​" sepertinya soalnya tidak ditulis lengkap sehingga kalimat tidak jelas serta ada beberapa kata yang ditulis secara typo.


Kata "Man" bisa berartikan sebagai "seorang manusia" namun, disini aku paka "pria/laki-laki" dikarenakan ada tertulis "men" yang merupakan bentuk jamak dari kata "man" yang berartikan ada lebih dari 1 pria/laki-laki

9. in your opinion, is global warming an imminent world threat? if yes, why? if no, `why not?

yes, due to the effects of global warming are:
1. melting of polar ice
2. rising sea levels
3. more extreme climate change
4. increased heat waves
5. endless glaciers as a source of clean water

10. Synonym of fear/shock​


kayaknya afraid


maaf kalo salah

Fear/shock: dread, afraid

11. Bad. Speaking in front of an audience is my.........fear of all

Speaking in front of an audience is my worst fear of all.

worst : superlative dari bad.

12. freedom of fear maksudnya adalah

bebas dari rasa takut
bebas dari rasa takut maaf salah

13. synonym of cause ? .....................................................​


Synonym of cause = reason


semoga membantu

maaf kalo salah




semoga membantu

14. Yes, we are living in a world fear. The life of man today is corroded and made bitter by fear. Fear future, fear of hydrogen bomb, fear of ideologies. Perhaps this fear is a greater danger than the danger itself, beacuse it is fear, which drives men to act foolishy, to act thoughtlessly, to act dangerously. Main idea of this paragraph? Bantu lg hehe

Main Idea of this paragraph is, the fear of most men/ fear of men

15. cause of global warming​


1. Increased carbon monoxide gas from military vehicles.

2. Greenhouse effect.

3. Uncontrolled use of CFCs.

- 1. Peningkatan gas karbon monoksida dari kendaraan militer.

2. Efek rumah kaca.

3. Penggunaan CFC yang tidak terkendali.

Semoga bermanfaat.

16. freedom of fear maksudnya adalah

Freedom of Fear: Kebebasan dari segala ketakutan

17. Her fear of heights because _____

hear fear of heights because of phobia


Her Fear of Height Because phobia *Phobia* Phobia of heights or acrophobia is an excessive fear of heights. The fear experienced by people with a phobia of altitude can cause several symptoms, such as anxiety, stress, to panic, when at high altitudes. Although it's not easy, the phobia of heights can actually be overcome.

A person with a phobia of heights will usually avoid activities related to high places, such as standing on a balcony, crossing a bridge, looking out a window from a skyscraper, or just sitting on a stadium bench.

18. why were the islands of Sumatera and Java separately? a) cause of krakatau eruption in 1883b) cause of earthquake in 2005c) cause of floodd) cause of natural disaster​




semoga benar ya kalo salah gapapa


B.cause of earthquake 2005

maaf klo salah

19. Tolong bantuu ya, is global warming an imminent world threat ?if yes why ? If no , why not ?

Yes, global warming is an imminent world threat, because the world is warming up each year due to glass house effect. The amount of people, car, motorcycles, factories and manufactories increase each time, producing even more dangerous gasses to the environtment and speeding up the global warming. If this situation continues, the global warming is an imminent threat.

20. in your opinion, is global warming an imminent world threat? if yes, why? if no, why not? bantu jawab ya.

Yes , as we all know global warming is a word that tell us about an imminent world so for my opinion global warming is an imminent world theat for our world it makes our environtment worst , the air was dirty and like the other's else. 
mungkin kyk gni?

Terroristic Threat Cause Fear Of Imminent Sbi. There are any Terroristic Threat Cause Fear Of Imminent Sbi in here.

Sweeter After Difficulties Tattoo

Sweeter After Difficulties Tattoo

What is it?

Sweeter After Difficulties Tattoo is a type of body art that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It typically consists of two to four words or phrases that represent a person’s journey and their ability to overcome struggles. The words often serve as a reminder to stay strong through life’s struggles and to always strive for a better future.

History of Sweeter After Difficulties Tattoos

The first recorded instance of a Sweeter After Difficulties Tattoo dates back to the early 2000s when an unknown artist created a design featuring two words: “sweet” and “after.” Since then, the idea has spread to become a popular type of body art. Today, designs often feature more words or phrases that reflect a person’s personal journey and experiences.


Sweeter After Difficulties Tattoos are often seen as symbols of resilience and perseverance. They serve as a reminder that no matter how difficult life may seem, things can always get better. The words or phrases chosen for the tattoo often represent the individual’s struggles and their journey towards a brighter future.


Sweeter After Difficulties Tattoos can vary in size, shape, and color. Common elements often include stars, hearts, and other symbols of hope and courage. The most popular designs typically feature two to four words or phrases that represent the individual’s journey. These tattoos are often placed on the forearm, chest, or back.
Sweeter After Difficulties Tattoos are a powerful reminder of the strength and resilience needed to overcome life’s struggles. They serve as a reminder of the journey and a symbol of hope for the future. Whether placed on the forearm, chest, or back, Sweeter After Difficulties Tattoos can be a beautiful reminder of the power of resilience.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. Susi and bob (become) . . . . . . . Success entrepreneurs after they got difficulties live


have become


Menggunakan perfect tense karena terdapat jangka waktu. Rumus present perfect adalah s + have/has + v3 + o. Have digunakan karena Subjectnya bersifat jamak dan v3nya become tetap become. Jawabannya have become.

2. siapa yang menciptakan mesin tattoo

Thomas edison

semoga membantuThomas Alva Edison adalah penemu mesin tatto, yang kemudian dimodif oleh Samuel O Reilly.

Semoga membantu..

3. Pendapat islam bagi orang yg ber tattoo

haram dalam islam untuk bertato, karena bertato termasuk dalam kategori menyakiti diri sendiri, dan saat sholat pun mungkin tidak sah ,karena air wudhu terhalang tinta tatto, Wallahu a'lam..

4. The cake is just as the ice-creama Sweetc. Sweeterb. Sweeterd. More Sweet​


The cake is just as SWEET as the ice-cream

a. Sweet

The cake is just as sweet as the ice cream

5. Diana: What do you think about sugar and honey?Carla: I think sugar is ... than honey.Diana: I don't think so. Sugar is as ... as honey.a. sweet, sweetb. sweet, sweeterc. sweeter, sweet d. sweeter, sweeterdijawab ya jangan ngasal:)​


c. sweeter, sweet


Kalimat pertama merupakan kalimat comparative (perbandingan) yang menggunakan verb (kata kerja) 1 ditambah akhiran -er atau -r, dan "than".

Sedangkan kalimat kedua itu menyatakan posisi yang sama, sehingga "as + V.1 + as"


6. Sebutkan jumlah tattoo Amy Winehouse yang anda temukan di Google

14 tattoo........................

7. If we want this desert tastes much sweeter we should​


Add some sugar in it


Sugar gives sweet flavor / taste in foods including dessert

8. this apple is the sweeter

Apel ini sangat manis Apel ini adalah yang termanis

9. Pertanyaannya Jumlah muatan sebelum Balon kuning digosokkan pada sweater Sweeter : Balon kuning : Bln hijau : Jumlah muatan sesudah Balon kuning digosokkan pada sweater Sweeter : Balon kuning : Bln hijau : Balon hijau digosokkan pada sweater Sweeter : Balon kuning : Bln hijau : Balon Kuning didekatkan pada Balon Hijau Sweeter : Balon kuning : Bln hijau : Balon Hijau didekatkan pada Balon kuning Sweeter : Balon kuning : Bln hijau : Balon Kuning dan Balon Hijau di dekatkan pada sweater Sweeter : Balon kuning : Bln hijau : Link di kolom komen

Jumlah muatan sebelum Balon kuning digosokkan pada sweater

Sweeter :   56 positif 56 negatif

Balon kuning :  4 positif 4 negatif

Bln hijau :  4 positif 4 negatif

Jumlah muatan sesudah Balon kuning digosokkan pada sweater

Sweeter :  56 positif 46 negatif

Balon kuning :  4 positif 14 negatif

Bln hijau :  4 positif 4 negatif

Balon hijau digosokkan pada sweater

Sweeter :  56 positif 37 negatif

Balon kuning :  4 positif 14 negatif

Bln hijau :  4 positif 13 negatif

Balon Kuning didekatkan pada Balon Hijau  (terdorong / tolak menolak)

Sweeter :  56 positif 37 negatif

Balon kuning :  4 positif 14 negatif

Bln hijau :  4 positif 13 negatif

Balon Hijau didekatkan pada Balon kuning  (terdorong / tolak menolak)

Sweeter :  56 positif 37 negatif

Balon kuning :  4 positif 14 negatif

Bln hijau :  4 positif 13 negatif

Balon Kuning dan Balon Hijau di dekatkan pada sweater  (tertarik pada sweater)

Sweeter :  56 positif 37 negatif

Balon kuning :  4 positif 14 negatif

Bln hijau :  4 positif 13 negatif

10. kemarin aku melihat kamu memakai sweeter ungu. sweeter nya sangat bagus. itu terlihat cocok dipakai oleh kamu. tolong terjemahin ke inggris.. tolong yah.. tugas uuntuk besok

Yesterday I saw you wearing a purple sweater. The sweater was so good. It matched/it fitted you.

semoga membantu :D
yesterday I saw you wearing sweeter. sweeter very good.looks suitable for use by you.

11. difficulties words of old literature

abject, aberration, abjure, abnegation

maaf kalau salah, semoga bermanfaat ^^

12. what ya tattoo Battery Sandy Lerner ​


maksudnya apa ya ka? hiihi

13. the difficulties that i had were

kesulitan yang saya milikikesulitan yang saya miliki
maaf kalo salah

14. Many juice product use ___ as additional sweeter​




15. The difficulties that i had were

Maksudnya nanya artinya kan?
Kesulitan-kesulitan yang aku hadapi
Kesulitan yg saya miliki adala..

16. If you want to make your coffee sweeter. More sugar


If you want to make your coffee sweeter, you can add more sugar.

17. Read apples are usually ....than green apples. 1.more sweeter 2.most sweet 3.sweeter 4.sweetest Tolong jawab dgn benar ya. Isi titik " yang diatas dengan kata"yang dibawah?


maaf kalo salah


1.most sweet


"More sweeter"


Red apples are usually more sweeter than green apples.

Sorry if me wrong


18. • What have you learned ? ? Do you find difficulties -what do you do to evercome the difficulties?​


I learn english,if i find difficulties,I'll try to understand the lesson by studying

19. Sinonim difficulties

problems,hassle,trouble,discomfort,inconviniece,painfulnessDifficuktiest = hardest

Maaf kalo salah

20. Red apples are usually.... than green apples?1..more sweeter.2.most sweet 3.sweeter4.sweetestCocokan kata "dibawa untuk isi titik" yang diatas?


Red apples are usually..sweeter... than green apples?

1..more sweeter.

2.most sweet



jawaban :

3. sweeter


sweeter = lebih manis


3. sweeter


Sweeter After Difficulties Tattoo. There are any Sweeter After Difficulties Tattoo in here.

Includes Secretly On An Email

Including Secretly On An Email is the act of adding someone to an email thread without notifying them or the other recipients. By doing this, the recipient of the email is not aware that they are part of the conversation. Question: Is it ethical to include someone secretly on an email? No, it is not ethical to include someone secretly on an email. It is important to be transparent and honest with all parties involved in a conversation, even if they are not directly replying to the emails.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. 4 Pertanyaan / Questions Anda tertarik untuk mengikuti Online Summer Course on General English tetapi tidak dapat menemukan informasi tentang biaya dan jadwal kegiatannya di situs web. / You are interested in joining the Online Summer Course on General English but you could not find the information about the course’s fee and schedule on the website. Tulislah sebuah email dalam bahasa Inggris untuk meminta informasi tersebut sebanyak 50-100 kata berdasarkan situasi tersebut yang meliputi: / Write an email asking for information in 50-100 words based on the situation above that includes: • salutation • pembuka / introduction / opening • isi / content / body email • penutup / closing / sign of

Email untuk meminta informasi mengenai biaya dan jawdal kegiatan dalam Online Summer Course on General English.

From: Nora S.

To: General English

Subject: Information about course's fee.

Dear, Sir/Madam.

I am writing to ask for information about your online Summer Course. I am 21 years old and I'm interested on taking part of your online Summer Course. I have read everything about it on your website, but I can't find the information about the course's fee and schedule on the website. I would like to know about those all. Could you please send me some information regarding to it?

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you so much!

Yours faithfully,

Nora S.


Email merupakan sebuah sebuah cara pengiriman surat melalui jaringan komputer atau internet. Email dapat digunakan untuk mengirim berbagai jenis hal, seperti mengirimkan data, foto-foto, video, dokumen, dan sebagainya.

Fungsi Email

Alat untuk mendaftarkan diri di berbagai situs media sosial.Sebagai identitas diri secara personal.Sebagai media promosi.

Macam-Macam Email

POP MailWeb MailForward Mail

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Materi mengenai Perbedaan Email dan Memo pada

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

2. 4 Anda tertarik untuk mengikuti kursus musik tetapi tidak dapat menemukan informasi tentang durasi dan jadwal sesi kursusnya di situs web. / You are interested in joining a music course but you could not find the information about the course duration and sessions on the website. Tulislah sebuah email untuk meminta informasi sebanyak 50-100 kata berdasarkan situasi tersebut yang meliputi: / Write an email asking for information in 50-100 words based on the situation above that includes: • salutation • pembuka / introduction / opening • isi / content / body email • penutup / closing / sign of

Untuk mencari informasi durasi dan jadwal kursus musik, email yang harus dikirimkan:

To whom it may concern,

I found about the music course on your website, and it is very interesting. I want to join the music course, but I can’t find any information about the course duration and sessions on the website.

Would you please give me the information that I need? Also, if you can provide me with further information, I would be very happy.

Thank you for your attention. Stay safe and healthy.

Best regards,




Salutation (salam pembuka)

To whom it may concern,

Kepada siapapun yang berkaitan,

Opening (Pembuka)

I found about the music course on your website, and it is very interesting.

Saya menemukan informasi mengenai les musik di website anda, dan saya tertarik.

Content (Isi)

I want to join the music course, but I can’t find any information about the course duration and sessions on the website.  

Would you please give me the information that I need? Also, if you can provide me with further information, I would be very happy.

Saya ingin bergabung, namun saya tidak menemukan informasi mengenai durasi dan jadwal les musik di website anda.

Bisa kah anda memberikan informasi yang saya inginkan? Jika anda memiliki informasi lebih lanjut lainnya aku akan sangat senang.

Closing (Penutup)

Thank you for your attention. Stay safe and healthy.

Best regards, Maria.

Terima kasih atas perhatiannya. Sehat selalu.

Salam, Maria.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang personal letter pada



3. Anda tertarik untuk mengikuti kursus musik tetapi tidak dapat menemukan informasi tentang durasi dan jadwal sesi kursusnya di situs web. / You are interested in joining a music course but you could not find the information about the course duration and sessions on the website. Tulislah sebuah email untuk meminta informasi sebanyak 50-100 kata berdasarkan situasi tersebut yang meliputi: / Write an email asking for information in 50-100 words based on the situation above that includes: • salutation • pembuka / introduction / opening • isi / content / body email • penutup / closing / sign off

Berikut tulisan sebuah email untuk menanyakan sebuah situs tempat kursus musik atas ketertarikan untuk mendaftar namun tidak menemukan informasi tentang durasi dan jadwal kursus di website mereka.

Bagian email yang diminta harus mengikuti struktur berikut dalam 50-100 kata:

salutationpembuka / introduction / openingisi / content / body emailpenutup / closing / sign off


"Dear Sir/Madam,"


"My name is Rudy, I am an 11th grade student at SMA Negreri I, Jakarta."


"I am interested in joining your music course but I could not find the information on your couse schedule and the durations. Can you please send me the information?"


"Thank you for your help."





Ada perbedaan sedikit antara penulisan surat pribadi dengan sebuah suratemail dimana email tidak memerlukan tanggal dan nama orang dan alamat di bagian awal surat.

Dalam surat email dapat langsung dimulai dengan salutation. Mirip seperti penulisan surat pribadi, berikut bagian-bagian dari penulisan suratemail:

1. BagianSalutation – Bagian ini sering disebut greeting dimana kita menyebut menyapa nama seseorang yang pada umumnya dimulai dengan kata “Dear” lalu diteruskan dengan nama ataupun julukan seperti “Sir/Madam” apabila nama orang tidak kita ketahui.

2. Bagian Pembuka/Introduction/Opening – Bagian ini memperkenalkan sedikit tentang siapa diri kita, maksud dan tujuan dari isi surat.

3. Bagian Isi/Content/Bagian Email –  Bagian ini mengandung isi utama dari surat tentang apa yang ingin disampaikan secara rinci.

4. Bagian Penutup/Closing – Bagian ini pada umumnya mengucapkan terima kasih atas bantuan, perhatiannya, dan lain-lain sesuai dengan intensi dari surat.

5. Bagian Sign-off – Bagian ini adalah bagian akhir ibaratnya kita mengakhiri surat dengan menandatangani sebuah surat yang mana kalau untuk email kita hanya membubuhkan nama saja penanda sebagai orang yang menulis surat.  

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Penjelasan tentang penulisan surat dan email

Penjelasan tentang penulisan surat

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

4. an email from hannah​


an email from hannah artinya sebuah email dari Hannah


Sebuah Email dari hannah


Bahasa inggris

5. Soal No.4Anda tertarik untuk mengikuti kursus musik tetapi tidak dapat menemukan informasi tentang durasi dan jadwal sesi kursusnya di situs web./ You are interested in joining a music course but you could not find the information about the course duration and sessions on the website. Tulislah sebuah email untuk meminta informasi sebanyak 50-100 kata berdasarkan situasi tersebut yang meliputi:/ Write an email asking for information in 50-100 words based on the situation above that includes: salutation pembuka / introduction / opening isi /content/ body email penutup / closing / sign offTolong Bantuanya :)​

Berikut sebuah format surat email yang dituliskan untuk meminta informasi tentang sesi dan durasi dari sebuah kursus musik setelah penulis tidak dapat menemukan informasi yang dicari di website sekolah kursus musik tersebut. Format surat email yang diminta harus memiliki bagian salutation pembuka, introduction/opening, isi /content/ body, email penutup/closing, dan sign off.

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Jack, a 10th grade student from St. John Junior High. I am interested in joining a music course in your school.

But, I checked your website and could not find any information on the duration and sessions of your music cource. Can you please send me the information?

Thank you for your kind attention.

Best Regards,



Format penulisan email pada dasarnya mirip dengan penulisan surat biasa kecuali pada email ditulis tanpa tanggal dan alamat. Berikut struktur penulisan email yang terdiri dari:

Bagian salam (salutation)Bagian pembuka (Introduction/Opening)Bagian isi (Content/Body)Penutup (Closing)Penandatanganan akhir (Sign-off)

Berikut struktur contoh email yang ditulis di atas dan bagian-bagiannya:

(Bagian salam/salutation)

Dear Sir/Madam,

(Bagian pembuka/introduction/opening)

My name is Jack, a 10th grade student from St. John Junior High. I am interested in joining a music course in your school.

(Bagian isi/content/body)

But, I checked your website and could not find any information on the duration and sessions of your music cource. Can you please send me the information?


Thank you for your kind attention.

(Penandatanganan akhir/sign-off)

Best Regards,


Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Penjelasan tentang Cara Menulis Surat atau Email

Penjelasan tentang Cara Menulis Surat dalam Bahasa Inggris

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

6. The militia ...... secretly to take

try , kalau gak sallah

7. 44. Complete the procedure of "how to write and send an email with the suitable word!First, open your smartphone or laptopSecond, (a).... to the internetThird, click on the email icon and click on a "pen" icon or "compose" iconNext, type your email (b) .... (it will pop up automatically)And then, type the email of receiver in "to" fieldAfter that, (c) .... the subject of your email, it functions as titleNext, click on the "compose email" area and then start composing your email.After having finished writing the email, click send or "paper airlplane" icon(d)...., check your email on the "sent" folder to see if the email is sent.plis jawab cepet​


First, open your smartphone or laptop.

Second, (a) connect to the internet.

Third, click on the email icon and click on a "pen" icon or "compose" icon.

Next, type your email (b) address (it will pop up automatically).

And then, type the email of receiver in "to" field.

After that, (c) type/write the subject of your email, it functions as title.

Next, click on the "compose email" area and then start composing your email.

After having finished writing the email, click send or "paper airlplane" icon (d) finally, check your email on the "sent" folder to see if the email is sent.


Arti dari teks prosedur di atas adalah

Pertama, buka smartphone atau laptop Anda.

Kedua, (a) hubungkan ke internet.

Ketiga, klik ikon email dan klik ikon "pena" atau ikon "tulis".

Kemudian, ketikkan (b) alamat email Anda (akan muncul secara otomatis).

Lalu, ketik email penerima di kolom "ke".

Setelah itu, (c) ketik/tulis subjek email Anda yang berfungsi sebagai judul.

Kemudian, klik pada area "tulis email" dan kemudian mulai menulis email Anda.

Setelah selesai menulis email, klik kirim atau icon "paper airlplane".

(d) Terakhir, periksa email Anda di folder "sent" untuk melihat apakah email sudah terkirim.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai procedure text cara mengirim email pada


8. 1. Make an email to your friend to ask clarification about your plan on holiday. 2. Make an email to your teacher to ask clarification about your english assignment. 3. Make an email to your pen friend to ask her/his plan visiting your town. Tolong, bantuin.

semoga bermanfaat. yahh

9. You want to introduce Komang to your friend by email. Write on email about Komang below.​


Dear David,

I would like to introduce you in advance to our new friend. Her name is Komang and she just moved to our school. Komang was the best student in her old school and I believe that Komang will make good achievements in our school as well. I have known Komang since elementary school and you will meet her tomorrow at school. I hope you will help her know our school better. Thank you.




Jawaban berupa pesan pada surat elektronik yang dikirimkan oleh Mark untuk memperkenalkan Komang terlebih dahulu kepada David agar David bisa membantu teman barunya tersebut dalam memperkenalkan sekolahnya dengan lebih baik pada Komang.

Semoga membantu ya.

10. replaying/ Lucas/ friend/ Marissa/ his/ is/ email/ to/ an ?a. replying an email Lucas to his friend Marissa ?b. his friend Marissa is replying an email to Lucas ?c. is Lucas replying an email to his friend Marissa ?d. is Marissa replying an email to his friend Lucas ?​

c. Is Lucas replying an email to his friend Marissa ?

Jawaban: Lucas replying an email to his friend Marissa?

11. Soal No.4Anda tertarik untuk mengikuti kursus musik tetapi tidak dapat menemukan informasi tentang durasi dan jadwal sesi kursusnya di situs web./ You are interested in joining a music course but you could not find the information about the course duration and sessions on the website. Tulislah sebuah email untuk meminta informasi sebanyak 50-100 kata berdasarkan situasi tersebut yang meliputi:/ Write an email asking for information in 50-100 words based on the situation above that includes: salutation pembuka / introduction / opening isi /content/ body email penutup / closing / sign offTolong Bantuanya :)​

Berikut penulisan sebuah surat email yang menanyakan sebuah website tempat kursus musik tentang tidak ditemukannya informasi mengenai durasi dan skedul sesi kursus di situs mereka. Surat email diminta ditulis dalam 50-100 kata dengan struktur surat yang terdiri dari: salutation, pembuka/introduction/opening, isi /content/ body email, penutup/closing dan sign off.


Dear Sir/Madam,


My name is Siti. I am currently in 10th grade student at SMA Tunas Bangsa and interested in joining your music school.


However, I could not find the duration and course schedule in your website. I will appreciate if you can send me the information.


Thank you for your kind attention.


Best Regards,



Penulisan sebuah surat email pada dasarnya hampir sama dengan penulisan sebuah surat biasa hanya dalam penulisan surat email tidak perlu dibubuhi tanggal dan nama/alamat orang yang ditulisi surat pada bagian awal surat.

Berikut struktur isi dari bagian-bagian paragraph dari sebuah surat email pada umumnya:

Salutation – Bagian ini adalah bagian untuk menyapa seseorang dengan memulainya dengan kata “Dear” lalu diikuti oleh nama orang yang akan disapa. Apabila tidak diketahui nama yang akan disapa dapat dengan menyebut “Sir/Madam” yang berarti Pembuka/Introduction/Opening – Bagian ini untuk memperkenalkan diri dan maksud dari surat yang akan ditulis.Isi/Content/Bagian Email –  Bagian ini adalah bagian utama yang mengulas tentang isi atau konten dari surat secara detail.Penutup/Closing – Bagian ini adalah bagian paragraph akhir yang biasanya terdiri dari ucapan apresiasi atau berterima kasih atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya, dan lain-lain.Sign-off – Bagian ini untuk mengakhiri surat dengan dibubuhkan nama penulis yang pada umumnya dengan kata-kata “Best Regards”, “Sincerely”, “Truly Yours”, atau “Regards”.

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Penjelasan tentang penulisan surat dan email

Penjelasan tentang penulisan surat

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

12. arti dari move quietly and secretly

setahu aku....
move= bergerak atau bisa juga pergi atau berpindah (carilah kt yng tepat)
quietly=diam diam atau juga jangan berisik.
secretly=secara rahasia atu dirahasiakan atau bisa juga jangan sampai ketahuan.

jadi jika saya gabungkan menjadi=
bergerak dengan diam diam dan secara rahasia.

(kl slh maaf yah.. soalnya masih ambisius (xixixixixi))

13. Write two sentences based on create and email


Tulis dua kalimat berdasarkan create dan email


maaf kalau salah

14. Read the email and write down the greeting used in this email on the answer column


this is Lexie Brown,From history 1B

15. In about 80 words, write an email to your friend telling about your experience on Eid Mubarak celebration.


To: my friend.

Hi, my dearest friend! How was your eid Mubarak celebration? Mine was really fun and exciting. I have a family reunion in my house. Also mom prepared so many foods for us to eat. I also got THR from my relatives. how about you? did you also get it? to be honest, this year's eid isn't as good as the eid before covid. We can't go out that much. But it's okay though, atleast i got to spend it again this year. I'm still grateful to what God has given. Anyway can't wait to see you again and i want to know your story in person. Talk to you again next time, please reply this email.

Penjelasan: -

16. An email from hannah


artinya : sebuah pesan online dari hannah

17. 44. Complete the procedure of "how to write and send an email with the suitable word!First, open your smartphone or laptopSecond, (a).... to the internetThird, click on the email icon and click on a "pen" icon or "compose" iconNext, type your email (b) .... (it will pop up automatically)And then, type the email of receiver in "to" fieldAfter that, (c) .... the subject of your email, it functions as titleNext, click on the "compose email" area and then start composing your email .After having finished writing the email, click send or "paper airplane" icon(d)...., check your email on the "sent" folder to see if the email is sent.​



a. connect

b. address

c. write

d. Don't forget

18. email(send)​


Mari kita jawab


Peter sends an email

19. To send on email you just have to click on this button Type inthe email addres and then click the send button are you​


untuk mengirim email kamu hanya harus meng-klik button di email address (alamat email) lalu klik send (kirim)


20. you want to go swimming on saturday with your english friend,toni write an email to toni in your email ask toni to go swimming with you saturday​


Kamu ingin pergi berenang pada hari Sabtu dengan teman bahasa Inggris Kamu, toni menulis email ke toni di email Kamu meminta toni untuk pergi berenang dengan Kamu hari Sabtu


Like ya

Includes Secretly On An Email. There are any Includes Secretly On An Email in here.

Give The Major Product Of The Following Reaction

Give The Major Product Of The Following Reaction


This question is asking for the major product of a given chemical reaction. A chemical reaction involves the breaking and forming of chemical bonds, resulting in the creation of new substances. Identifying the major product of a reaction requires a knowledge of the reactants, the reaction conditions, and the possible products that can form.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. Write the mechanism of the following reaction CH3CH2OH + HBr ---->

substitution reaction

CH3-CH2-OH + HBr --> CH3 - CH2 - Br  + H2O

I hope its helps...


2. ammonia sulfate is the product from the reaction between ammonia and sulfuric acid.write down the chemical formula of substances involed in the reaction


Ammonium sulfate : (NH₄)₂SO₄
Ammonia : NH₃
Sulfuric acid : H₂SO₄

Reaction :
2NH₃ + H₂SO₄ --> (NH₄)₂SO₄ (balanced)

3. What are the name and formula of the first substitution product of the reaction between methane and chlorine


CH4(metana) + Cl2( clorin) ->Ch2Cl2

(diklorometana)+ H2 ( Hidrogen)

4. They are used to give informasi about the product. Is the meaning of?.


Mereka digunakan untuk memberi informasi terkait produk / Mereka suka memberi informasi mengenai produk

5. 1. Mention the brand of the product !2.The kind of product is...3.Mention of the description of the product !​



2.Children's cought Syrup

3.cough mixture of formula 440 presenter by Pinux

Ini udah aku bantuin

6. Answer the following questions!!!1. What is lables? Write the definition!2. What is the purposes of lables?3. What is the element of lables?4. What is company and product brand? Give the examples!5. Write the description of product!***Bantuan o(╥﹏╥)***​


Jawab pertanyaan berikut !!!

1. Apa labelnya? Tulis definisinya!

2. Apa tujuan label?

3. Apa elemen label?

4. Apa perusahaan dan merek produk? Beri contoh!

5. Tulis deskripsi produk!


ini bahasa Indonesia yang kamu kasih soal

7. 5.Nutrition FactsDoritosNachochooseTotal CardWhat is the purpose of the text?a. To describe a productb. To tell the value of the productc. To advertise the productd. To give detail information about the product​

d. To give detail information about the product

semoga membantu :)


a. To describe a product

Penjelasan:semoga bermanfaat ^_^

8. write one of the 'useful phrases' as an appropriate reaction to each of the following events from the script.


In making an appropriate response or reaction, you need to look carefully at the expression or sentences used as well as its tone, whether it is meant to be humorous or serious one. Then, you can respond it in a creative way too, instead of just ordinary ones so long as appropriate. Here's the possible phrases to respond

- The cruel king has threatened to invade!

(Really? Then we'd better prepare ourselves. for normal reaction)

(What else is new? He's just bluffing. for unusual reaction)

- We are still alive; the soldiers are gone!

(Then we shall pray for them. They have fought bravely to protect us. (normal reaction)

(That's rather ironic for them. They should've been alive instead of us, who aren't trained for war. (uncommon reaction)

- The riddle is solved!

(At last! after a while - normal)

(Are you kidding me? what took you so long to solve such easy riddle - uncommon )

- We need a drum that sounds when nobody beats it!

(Such is impossible! - normal)

(Really? are you still in wonderland? - uncommon sardonic)

- Will the paper drum with the bee work?

(Huh, I don't get it - normal as it's unclear in meaning)

Kelas: SMP

Mapel: English

Kategori: expression and response

9. Nutrition Feet Doritos What is the purpose of the text? a. To describe the product O b. To tell a value of the product O c. To advertise the product d. To give detailed information about the product


D. To give detailed information

10. Which of the following can be used for cleaning the product

berikut yang mana dapat digunakan untuk membersihkan produk

11. what is the purpose of the next? A. to describe the benefits of the product B. to explain that the product is important C. to persuade people to consume the product D. to give detail informasi about the product ​


D. to give detail informasi about the product


to give detail informasi about the product artinyauntukmemberikaninformasidetailtentangproduk

12. 1.brand of the product of the product3.description of the product4.contenst or amounts of the product5.ingredients of the product​


1. Breakfast Cereal

2. Low Fat Cereal

3. low fat breakfast cereals contains mango pieces, walnuts and royal jelly

4. 500g

5. whole grain wheat, corn, rolled oats, palm oil, etc.


13. Give the true answer to the following questions. How was your friends reaction when you read your card?

i think just so so if that reality so good

14. 2. A fixed volume of the enzyme catalase was added to a fixed volume of hydrogenperoxide solution. The diagram shows how the concentration of product changed overthe course of the reaction.What explains the shape of this graph?a. The active sites become saturated.concentrationof productb. The enzyme was denatured.c. The hydrogen peroxide inhibited the reaction.d. The substrate molecules were used up.time​


A. The active sites become saturated concentration of product

Kenapa? Soalnya enzim katalase itu berfungsi untuk menguraikan hidrogen peroksida di dalam tubuh menjadi air dan oksigen (produk hasil)

semoga terbantu :)

15. A. the name of the product?B. the description of the product?C. the amount of the product?D. the ingredients of the product?E. the direction of the product?F. the direction to store of the product?G. the expiry date of the product?tolong di jawab ya kak (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`) ​


a. Duos usaha, blueberry soes

b. filled with blueberry cream

c. 35 g

d. (tulis semua isi komposisi/ ingredients)

e. -

f. dont litter

g. -

16. 6. The text above is written in order toPersuade people to buy the productb. Give detailed information of the productc. Explain how to use the productd. Give warming of the product​


6. Teks di atas ditulis dengan urutan

a.Bujuk orang untuk membeli produk

b. Berikan informasi rinci tentang produk

c. Jelaskan cara menggunakan produk

d. Berikan pemanasan produk

itu terjemahannya tinggal di cari aja lg jwbn nya


6. Teks di atas ditulis dengan urutan

a.Bujuk orang untuk membeli produk

b. Berikan informasi rinci tentang produk

c. Jelaskan cara menggunakan produk

d. Berikan pemanasan produk


ini terjemahan nya,,maaf soalnya yang mana ya?

17. 6. The text above is written in order toa. Persuade people to buy the productb. Give detailed information of the productc. Explain how to use the productd. Give warming of the product​


b. give detailed information of the product


Teks di atas ditulis dengan urutan


a. Bujuk orang untuk membeli produk

b. Berikan informasi rinci tentang produk

c. Jelaskan cara menggunakan produk

d. Berikan pemanasan produk

smoga membantu


18. tolong dibantu The name of the product... * The brand of the product * The description of the product? * The use of the product ... * The content of the product... * The direction to use of the product... The direction to use of the product... The expiration date of the product... *


* The name of the product Augmentin

* The brand of the product SB SmithKline Beecham

* The description of the product


Amoxicillin/ Clavunalate potassium

When reconstituted, each 5 ml contains:

-Amoxicillin 125 mg, as the trihydrate,

-Clavulanic Acid 31,25 mg, as the clavunalate potassium

* The content of the product Amoxicillin, Clavulanic Acid

* The direction to use of the product

Direction for mixing(tulis semua kalimatnya sesuai yg digambar), Dosage(tulis semua kalimatnya sesuai yang digambar)

* The expiration date of the product 10 Days



19. 16. By reading the text, the users of the product will get the info ...A. the importance of the product for the bodyB. the nutritional content of the productC. the procedure of using the productD. the main substance of the product​


C.the procedure of using the product

20. Which of the following words is the synonym of “major”? *a.Ordinaryb.Significant.c.Secondary.d.Inferior.​


b. significant

semoga membantu


Which of the following words is the synonym of “major”? *








Give The Major Product Of The Following Reaction. There are any Give The Major Product Of The Following Reaction in here.